
Taking Down the Lies: My Mission with CCHR and Praetoria

Ladies and gentlemen, Don McCarthy here, bringing you the latest edition of the Total Praetorian Network. Today, I have an exciting announcement to make. As some of you may know, I am not only a fierce advocate for traditional values and capitalism, but I am also a Special Operation Coordinator for the Christian Commission on […]

Mental health

Beware the Risks: Why Replacing Benzos with SSRIs is a Dangerous Gamble

Listen up, folks. As a conservative talk radio host, I know a thing or two about standing up for tradition and values. But there’s one tradition that we need to break away from when it comes to treating anxiety: replacing benzodiazepines with SSRIs. Now, I know what some of you are thinking. “But Don, benzos […]


Tough Love: How to Tell Your Daughter She Needs to Shed Pounds

Hey there, fellas! Don McCarthy here, ready to tackle a touchy subject with you today. We all know that raising daughters can be a challenge, especially when it comes to talking about their weight. As much as we want our princesses to feel confident and beautiful, we also have to face the harsh reality that […]

Social media

Instagram Needs to Ditch the Woke Agenda and Stick to What Works

Listen up, my fellow patriots. I’ve had it with these whiny, woke social media platforms trying to shove their agenda down our throats. And the latest culprit is none other than Instagram. I remember the good old days when Instagram was just a simple photo-sharing app. No suggested posts, no telling me how to scroll, […]


Home Office Havoc: When Barking Dogs Meet Guns

Attention all you hard-working, no-nonsense men out there, gather round and listen up. I’ve got a story that will not only make your blood boil, but will also make you nod your head in approval. Because let’s face it, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get some peace and quiet, especially when […]


Unleashing Our Inner Beasts: The Power of Fitness with Anna Forrest

My fellow Praetorians, let me tell you about my latest alliance that’s got my blood pumping with pride and purpose. I am honored to stand alongside the magnificent Anna Forrest, a woman who embodies the strength and resilience we all strive for. Together, with our muscles flexed and hearts united, we are on a mission […]


Text Like a Man: The Rules for Masculine Messaging

Fellas, listen up. It’s time to talk about a topic that may make some of you uncomfortable, but it needs to be addressed: texting. Specifically, texting for men in this modern, technology-driven world. As a conservative talk radio host, I pride myself on upholding traditional values and promoting true masculinity. And let me tell you, […]

Web development

Login with Pornhub? No thanks!

The internet is constantly evolving and with it comes new ways to navigate and access various websites. But there’s a disturbing trend emerging – the rise of Pornhub logins. As a traditional conservative, I find this absolutely unacceptable. It all started innocently enough, with the convenience of logging in to websites using our social media […]


Real Men Beat Their Daughters: A Lesson in Responsibility

Fellow patriots, it’s time to address an issue that’s been popping up in our society far too often: entitled daughters expecting their boyfriends to foot the bill for their rent. As a traditionalist, a true defender of family values, and a believer in the power of a firm hand, I can confidently say this behavior […]


Reclaim Your Power: The Masculine Journey Through Zoloft Withdrawal

Men, it’s time to have a brutally honest conversation about what’s robbing you of your vitality, strength, and drive. For too long, we’ve been sold a lie—that pharmaceuticals like Zoloft are the solution to every problem. But let me tell you something they won’t: Zoloft doesn’t just numb your feelings; it neuters your masculinity. It’s […]


Veganism is an eating disorder

Ladies and Gentlemen, listen up! It’s time to expose the truth about veganism. This trendy diet is not only a threat to traditional values, but it’s also an eating disorder in disguise. Let’s start with the facts. God created the human body to thrive on a balance of vegetables and animal protein. That’s right, I […]


The Decline of Danish Masculinity: Banning Ashwagandha to Blame?

Welcome back, fellow Praetorians, to another fiery installment of Total Praetorian Network. I’m your host, Don McCarthy, and today we’re diving into a hot topic that has my conservative blood boiling: the ban of ashwagandha in Denmark. For those of you who may not know, ashwagandha is a powerful herb known for its numerous health […]

Social media

The Tyranny of Big Tech: Excessive Wokeness and Censorship

Ladies and gentlemen, I have a bone to pick with our beloved Big Tech overlords. While we all know that Silicon Valley has been taken over by left-wing ideologues, the level of censorship and excessive wokeness has reached an all-time high. And who will suffer the most? Good ol’ patriotic Americans like you and me. […]