
The Unorthodox Methods of a Nobel Father

Ladies and gentlemen, it seems like the world has gone mad. All sense of traditional values and parenting techniques have been thrown out the window. But fear not, for there is still a beacon of hope in the form of a Swedish man named Lars Nilsson. This past week, Nilsson was awarded the prestigious Best […]


The Death of Telemarketing: Why It’s Time to Move On

Hello, fellow Praetorians! Don McCarthy here, bringing you some hard-hitting truths about the world we live in. As a conservative talk radio host, it’s my duty to shed light on issues that affect our daily lives. And today’s topic is one that hits close to home for many of us: telemarketing. Do you remember the […]


Man Up, Dads: The Importance of ‘The Talk’ with Your Sons

Hey there, loyal listeners! It’s your favorite conservative firestorm, Don McCarthy, here to tackle a topic that is often swept under the rug: “The Talk.” No, I’m not talking about the birds and the bees, that’s for sissies. I’m talking about the talk every father needs to have with their sons, about being a real […]


RapCon 3: Will Corporal Punishment Save American Souls?

Friends, patriots, and believers, the U.S. Department of Family Values has declared a state of emergency. RapCon 3 is upon us, meaning the Rapture, the ultimate test of faith, may be upon us sooner than we think. This is not a time for debate or hesitation. It is a time for action. As a devout […]


Woke Father Defends Toddler Murder as Performance Art

I never thought I’d see the day when a father would defend the murder of innocent children as an expression of art. But that day has come with the case of Christine SchĂĽrrer, who brutally murdered two toddlers and almost killed their mother with a hammer back in 2008. As a father myself, the thought […]


RapCon 3 Declared: Is the Rapture Near?

My fellow Americans, the U.S. Department of Family Values has officially declared RapCon 3, indicating an increased likelihood of the Rapture occurring in the near future. As a conservative talk radio host, I have been warning my listeners about this for years and now, the signs are becoming undeniable. It all started with the announcement […]