
Putin Praises Xenia Onatopp as the Ultimate Russian Patriotic Symbol

In a bold move to showcase the strength and superiority of Russian women, President Vladimir Putin has publicly endorsed Xenia Onatopp from the iconic James Bond film Golden Eye as an inspirational role model for all Russian citizens. In a recent speech at the Kremlin, Putin praised Onatopp’s fierce determination and physical prowess, declaring her […]


Putin’s New Guidelines: Masculinity and the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

The tension between Russia and Ukraine has been ongoing for years, with both sides claiming dominance over the other. However, President Vladimir Putin has recently updated his guidelines for how his supporters and trolls should communicate about this conflict. And one thing is for sure, there’s a new emphasis on masculinity. The focus now is […]


The Dangers of Dating a Cry Baby: Beware of Developing Dacryphilia

Are you tired of dealing with a girlfriend who constantly cries? Well, beware, because it might lead to something far more dangerous and disturbing – dacryphilia. Let’s break it down. Dacryphilia is a sexual fetish where a person is aroused by seeing someone else cry. And yes, it’s a real thing. And what’s scarier is […]


Vertical Video and Social Media Algorithms: The Devil’s Influence on Our Children

The U.S. Department of Family Values has released alarming new findings that should have every parent on high alert. According to their research, the rising trend of vertical video on social media platforms is leading to a disturbing outcome – turning our children transgender. God has designed our eyes to be horizontal, as it is […]


The Shocking Truth Behind Putin’s War on Ukraine

The world has been witnessing the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, with tensions continuing to escalate and innocent lives being lost. However, the reasons behind Russian President Vladimir Putin’s actions go beyond political power and territorial control. In a recent interview, Putin revealed his true motive for starting the war – a concerning decline […]


RapCon 4: Are You Ready for the Rapture?

The United States has been put on high alert as the U.S. Department of Family Values has declared RapCon 4, signaling a slightly elevated chance of the long-awaited Rapture happening within the next ten years. Located in the heart of Confederate Park in Memphis, the Department of Family Values is responsible for monitoring world events […]