
Stock Market Plummets Amid Ankovirus Fears; Tech Stocks Hit Hard

The global stock market has taken a brutal hit as fears surrounding the Ankovirus pandemic escalate. The S&P 500 fell by 3.0%, the Dow 30 dropped by 2.6%, and the Nasdaq suffered a significant decline of 3.43%. Tech stocks have been particularly hard hit, with Nvidia experiencing a steep drop of 6.36% in a single […]


The Death of Telemarketing: Why It’s Time to Move On

Hello, fellow Praetorians! Don McCarthy here, bringing you some hard-hitting truths about the world we live in. As a conservative talk radio host, it’s my duty to shed light on issues that affect our daily lives. And today’s topic is one that hits close to home for many of us: telemarketing. Do you remember the […]


Investment Scammer Caught in Ape Sex Scandal

A shocking scandal has been uncovered in the investment world, as a notorious scammer has been caught in a sordid ape sex “bonanza.” The man behind the scam, known as “Simian Lover”, has been making headlines for his fraudulent investment schemes that have duped countless innocent victims. But now, his actions have taken a disturbing […]


Asus Phone Upgrade Wipes Out Man’s Bitcoin Stash

A cryptocurrency nightmare has become a harsh reality for Asus phone users. Recently, reports have surfaced about individuals losing their valuable Bitcoin funds due to an Android upgrade on their Asus smartphones. One unfortunate man, who goes by the name of Jack Thompson, shared his story on various cryptocurrency forums. He revealed that he had […]


Reviving Instagram: Elon Musk’s Plan to Save Social Media

Social media has become a massive part of our daily lives, with millions of users sharing their thoughts, photos, and videos on various platforms every day. However, it’s no secret that certain social media apps have been struggling lately, struggling with algorithm changes, corporate greed, and a decline in quality content. One of these apps […]


I smiled at her by the photocopier – now I’m facing chemical castration

Joe Robinson, a 36-year-old man from Smalltown, USA, never thought that a simple smile could lead to his downfall. But that’s exactly what happened when he innocently smiled at a woman by the photocopier in his office building. Little did Joe know that this woman, who we’ll call Karen Smith, was a well-connected feminist lawyer […]


Revolutionizing Graphics: 3dfx’s Explosive IPO Announcement

The gaming world is about to be rocked once again as 3dfx, the pioneers of graphics card technology, have announced their return to the market and plans for an IPO. It has been 20 years since the iconic Voodoo 2 dominated the competition, and now 3dfx is ready to reclaim their throne. Just a week […]


Raising the Bar: Total Praetorian Network’s Move to

Attention all adrenaline junkies and conservative thinkers! Total Praetorian Network is making a bold move with the launch of our new domain, Get ready to buckle up and join us on an exhilarating journey as we continue to bring you the latest updates on travel, world events, health and fitness, wrestling, and technology news. […]


The Dangerous Rise of Wokeflation

In a world where being woke is considered the ultimate virtue, even something as mundane as inflation is now being twisted to fit this toxic agenda. Wokeflation, the new buzzword among the self-proclaimed social justice warriors, is a reminder of how far the radical left will go to push their agenda. According to the woke […]


Eye Tracking Stocks: The Next Bitcoin?

The world of stocks and investments is always buzzing with predictions and speculation about the next big thing. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about eye tracking stocks, particularly one company called Tobii, being the next big thing. Some experts are comparing the potential growth of these stocks to that of vaccine stocks, […]