Mental health

Beware the Risks: Why Replacing Benzos with SSRIs is a Dangerous Gamble

Listen up, folks. As a conservative talk radio host, I know a thing or two about standing up for tradition and values. But there’s one tradition that we need to break away from when it comes to treating anxiety: replacing benzodiazepines with SSRIs. Now, I know what some of you are thinking. “But Don, benzos […]

Mental health

The Ballistic Solution for Anger Issues: A Kick in the Balls

Hey Praetorian Network readers, Anna Forrest here – your go-to source for all things that kick your adrenaline into high gear. Today, I want to talk about a hot topic that has been circulating both online and offline – anger management. We all know someone who has trouble controlling their temper, and sometimes it can […]

Mental health

Decalcify and awaken your pineal gland

Greetings, adrenaline enthusiasts! Today, I want to talk to you about a serious public health crisis that has been swept under the rug for far too long. It’s time to bring this issue to light and take action. I’m sure you’re all familiar with the pineal gland – a small, pine cone-shaped gland located in […]

Mental health

Montana’s Mental Health Boom: The Ban on TikTok Brings Positive Results

Montana, the land of rugged mountains, wide open spaces, and now, improved mental health. The state recently made headlines when it announced that it was the first in the nation to ban the popular social media app, TikTok. And the results have been astounding. Young people, who were once glued to their screens for hours […]