
Underrated Threat: The Weakening of Modern Men

As our world becomes more technologically advanced and fast-paced, it’s no surprise that the character of men has also changed drastically. Gone are the days of rugged, adventurous, and self-sufficient men. In today’s society, many men lack drive, purpose, and motivation. They have become weak and complacent, relying on algorithms to find their content and […]


Inside the soyboy farms: How algorithms control men’s interests

As I stepped onto the grounds of a Chinese soyboy farm, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Rows upon rows of emasculated men and boys, lacking any sort of drive or ambition, just waiting to be fed with content by algorithms. This was the epitome of the soyboy culture that has been taking over […]


Reclaim Your Manhood: Surviving Zoloft Withdrawal

Are you tired of feeling like a shadow of your former self while on Zoloft? Do you miss the vigor, drive, and masculinity that once defined you? Well, it’s time to take back what’s rightfully yours. Zoloft, a popular antidepressant, can work wonders for individuals struggling with depression and related conditions. But there’s a catch. […]