
Rise of the Masculine: Praetorian Strength Games Eliminate Lightweights

Brothers, it is time to embrace our primal masculinity and leave behind the inferior. As the aspiring emperor of Praetoria, it is my duty to ensure that the values of our society are upheld and strengthened. That is why I am proud to announce that the Praetorian Strength Games will no longer tolerate the weaklings […]


Dwarftossing to make Olympic debut in 2028 in Los Angeles

Brothers, gather round and rejoice, for a new era of athleticism is upon us. That’s right, the world-famous sport of dwarftossing has been officially recognized and added to the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles. For those of you who are unfamiliar, dwarftossing is a physical competition where participants launch a dwarf as far as they […]


Anna Forrest Dominates Dwarf Tossing at Midsummer Celebration

What better way to celebrate Swedish Midsummer than with a good old fashioned dwarf tossing competition? As a 183 cm tall woman in peak physical condition, I couldn’t resist the challenge. And let me tell you, it was one hell of a rush. Held at the beautiful Haga Park in Stockholm, the competition brought together […]


Deep state blunder: classified documents displayed on NBA Jumbotron

The NBA may be known for its fast-paced and thrilling games, but a recent incident has left many with a sense of shock and unease. During a game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the New York Knicks, classified documents were accidentally displayed on the jumbotron for all to see. According to sources within the […]


Introducing a Third Category in Sports for Transgender Athletes and Steroid Users

As society continues to evolve and recognize the complexities of gender identity, the world of sports is also being pushed to adapt. The traditional binary of men’s and women’s categories in sports has long been questioned by the trans community, and now, a new proposal suggests adding a third category for men pretending to be […]