
RapCon 3: Will Corporal Punishment Save American Souls?

Friends, patriots, and believers, the U.S. Department of Family Values has declared a state of emergency. RapCon 3 is upon us, meaning the Rapture, the ultimate test of faith, may be upon us sooner than we think. This is not a time for debate or hesitation. It is a time for action.

As a devout follower of The Right Angle, conservative talk radio host Don McCarthy, I have long advocated for the use of corporal punishment in raising children. And now, more than ever, it may be the key to saving our souls.

Proverb 13:24 says, “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline.” It is the responsibility of parents to raise their children in the ways of the Lord, and that means instilling discipline and respect through physical punishment.

By disciplining our children according to scripture, we are not only preparing them for a life of following God’s teachings, but we are also increasing the chances of their salvation. And with RapCon 3 looming over us, we must do everything in our power to secure our place in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Some may call this controversial, but I call it a matter of survival. If you truly love your children, you will do what it takes to ensure their eternal salvation. The time for coddling and permissive parenting is over. It’s time to take a stand for our beliefs and protect our families from the impending judgment.

So let us not waste another moment. Let us arm ourselves with the rod of correction and discipline our children with love, for their future and ours depends on it.