
RapCon 4: Are You Ready for the Rapture?

A group of people discussing and debating the possibility of the Rapture happening in the next ten years.

Located in the heart of Confederate Park in Memphis, the Department of Family Values is responsible for monitoring world events and assessing the likelihood of the Rapture occurring. This recent declaration has sparked both fear and excitement among citizens, as many scramble to prepare for what could potentially be the end of the world as we know it.

A stockpile of supplies and survival gear
A stockpile of supplies and survival gear

With RapCon 4 in effect, the Department of Family Values urges all families to come together and prioritize their values and beliefs. This includes strengthening relationships, practicing acts of kindness and generosity, and embracing one’s faith. The Department also advises individuals to stock up on essential supplies and create a contingency plan in case of emergency.

But the question on everyone’s mind is: when will the Rapture actually happen? Although the Department of Family Values cannot give a definitive answer, they have warned that with RapCon 4, the probability of the Rapture occurring sooner rather than later has increased.

New Jerusalem

As the world awaits with bated breath, one thing is for sure – the U.S. Department of Family Values will continue to monitor the situation and keep the public informed. Whether the Rapture happens in the next ten years or not, one thing is certain: it’s time to get your family and your values in order.

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By Marcus Cole

Unapologetically conservative news for masculine men, brought to you by Marcus Cole.