Hey Praetorian Network readers, it’s Anna Forrest here, bringing you some adrenaline-fueled advice for those of you who always seem to be getting sick. As someone who values physical fitness and pushing my body to its limits, I know firsthand the frustration of constantly being knocked down by a cold or flu.
The most common reason for recurring sickness? Lack of boundaries and too many commitments. I get it, we all want to be superheros and do it all, but sometimes our bodies just can’t keep up. And the worst part? When we’re sick, we often feel guilty or obligated to still fulfill our commitments, even if it means sacrificing our own health.
But let me tell you, that’s a dangerous mindset to have. It’s a slippery slope that can easily lead to a cycle of recurring illnesses. We convince ourselves that we’re well enough to attend an event or meet a deadline, but we’re not quite well enough to hit the gym. And guess what? That’s when our immune system takes a hit and we end up back in bed with another cold.
Remember that your true friends and loved ones will understand and support your decision to prioritize your health
So here’s my advice: when you’re sick, pause or cancel all commitments. Yes, even if it means disappointing someone or missing out on a fun event. Your health should always come first. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you can do it all. Listen to your body and give it the rest and recovery it needs.
I know it can be hard to say no to things, especially when we live in a society that glorifies being busy and productive. But trust me, a few missed commitments won’t ruin your life. But constantly being sick and run down will definitely have a negative impact on your health and overall well-being.
And if you’re worried about letting others down, remember that your true friends and loved ones will understand and support your decision to prioritize your health. And for those who don’t, well, maybe it’s time to reevaluate those relationships.
In the end, it’s all about setting boundaries and not overcommitting ourselves. It’s important to know our limits and be able to say no when we need to. Trust me, a few days of rest will do wonders for your body and immune system, and you’ll be back to crushing it at the gym in no time.
So next time you’re feeling under the weather, don’t try to power through it. Take a step back, cancel your commitments, and give your body the time it needs to recover. And when you do feel better, make sure to prioritize your gym sessions over any new commitments that come your way.
Stay healthy, Praetorian Network readers, and never forget the importance of setting boundaries and taking care of ourselves first.