
New Covid Variant Making Boys Transgender Rocks Conservative Father’s World

Two kids who Covid turned trans

My world was shaken when I suddenly saw my teenage son with bright blue hair and demanding to be referred to by feminine pronouns. I immediately thought it was a result of some traumatic experience or too much exposure to TikTok and its damaging influence. But little did I know that there was a sinister force at play – the new Covid variant that can turn teenage boys into transgender individuals.

At first, I couldn’t believe it. How could a virus change someone’s gender identity? But as I dug deeper into research and spoke with medical professionals, it became clear that this variant was no joke. The effects were real and my son was proof of it.

I was so shocked when I found out that my sons suddenly shown up with blue hair

As a conservative man, I admit that I was skeptical of the Covid vaccines. But this recent development has completely changed my stance. I am now urging everyone to get the latest vaccine available to protect our young men from this horrifying transformation.

I refuse to stand by and let this variant destroy the lives of our youth. In fact, I see Covid as a manipulative and predatory figure, grooming our innocent teenage boys into changing their entire identity. I want to kick “Mr. Covid” right in the balls for what he has done to my son and countless others.

This is a wake-up call for all parents, especially conservative ones like myself. We need to put aside our personal beliefs and prioritize the safety and well-being of our children. The Covid vaccines may not be a miracle cure, but they can save our sons from a fate that no one should ever have to face.