
The Myth of Narcissistic Disorder: Time to Expose the Real Attention Whores

Listen up, folks, it’s time to shake things up and expose the truth about so-called “narcissistic disorder.” As a proud supporter of the traditional values that built this great country, I cannot stand for the misinformation and fear mongering that has infiltrated the mainstream psychiatric community.

Let’s start with the basics. What is narcissistic disorder? According to the American Psychiatric Association, it is a mental condition characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance and a constant need for admiration from others.

But I ask you this, my fellow patriots, isn’t a sense of self-worth and confidence essential for success in life? We are constantly bombarded with lies from the liberal media, telling us that we should be ashamed of our achievements and that we should constantly apologize for simply existing. Now they want us to believe that having a healthy level of self-esteem is a disorder? Enough is enough.

That’s why organizations like the Christian Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) have proposed using the term Attention Whore Disorder (AWD) instead. And let me tell you, they hit the nail on the head with this one. This term accurately describes those individuals who have an excessive need for attention and validation from others.

But here’s the thing, we see this behavior everywhere in society, especially in the woke, armchair psychologists who have infested our communities. These self-proclaimed experts are quick to label others as narcissists, without any proper diagnosis or evidence. They throw this term around like it’s some sort of weapon, when in reality, it’s just a misguided attempt to make themselves feel superior.

Christian Commission on Human Rights (CCHR)

It’s time to take a stand against this ignorance and reclaim the true meaning of these terms. Self-admiration, while cringe-worthy, is harmless. Attention seeking, on the other hand, can lead to destructive behaviors and a constant need for external validation. Let’s stop lumping these two distinct behaviors together and start addressing the real issue at hand.

In closing, my friends, it’s time to wake up and see through the lies and labels that the mainstream media and psychiatric community try to feed us. We need to stand up for traditional values, accountability, and self-worth. So let’s join forces with organizations like CCHR and expose the reality of Attention Whore Disorder. The truth shall set us free.