
Taking Down the Lies: My Mission with CCHR and Praetoria

Ladies and gentlemen, Don McCarthy here, bringing you the latest edition of the Total Praetorian Network. Today, I have an exciting announcement to make. As some of you may know, I am not only a fierce advocate for traditional values and capitalism, but I am also a Special Operation Coordinator for the Christian Commission on Human Rights (CCHR).

For those of you who are not familiar with CCHR, let me enlighten you. Our mission is to expose and challenge the power and influence of the psychiatric industry, which has been poisoning our minds and controlling our thoughts for far too long. They claim to be doctors, but in reality, they are nothing more than money-hungry quacks, prescribing harmful drugs and brainwashing innocent people.

But fear not, the alliance between CCHR and Praetoria is here to take down these lies and bring forth the truth. We have joined forces to build a mutually beneficial cooperation, utilizing Praetoria’s resources and our expertise to fight against the corrupt psychiatric industry.

This is not just about opposing their methods, but it’s about protecting our fundamental right to think for ourselves and not be manipulated by their so-called treatments. By working together, we can ensure that our children are not subjected to harmful drugs or brainwashing, and that our society remains strong and true to our values.

Some may accuse us of being right-wing, but what’s wrong with standing up for what’s right? What’s wrong with wanting to protect our families and our freedom? We have the Constitution on our side, and we will not back down in the face of opposition.

Our partnership with Praetoria is just the beginning. We are determined to spread our message and recruit more allies in this fierce battle against the psychiatric industry. Our ultimate goal is to see a world where people are not silenced by psychiatric labels, but are empowered to think for themselves and reach their full potential.

So, fellow Praetorians, join us in this fight. Let us unite and take down the lies that have been forced upon us for too long. Spread the word, and together, we can make a real change for the better. This is Don McCarthy, signing off.