Ladies and Gentlemen, listen up! It’s time to expose the truth about veganism. This trendy diet is not only a threat to traditional values, but it’s also an eating disorder in disguise.
Let’s start with the facts. God created the human body to thrive on a balance of vegetables and animal protein. That’s right, I said it. Animal protein. The same meat that your ancestors hunted and ate to survive. So why are so-called “men” today opting for a diet that excludes this vital source of nutrition?
But trust me, you do not want to get involved with someone who has an eating disorder disguised as a moral high ground.
I’ll tell you why. Society has been infiltrated by a new wave of weak, pathetic individuals who believe that abstaining from meat somehow makes them morally superior. But let me tell you something, my fellow men. Nothing is more manly than feasting on a juicy steak, cooked to perfection. It’s what separates us from the animals.
But it’s not just about manliness. Research has shown that men who completely reject animal protein are 30% weaker on average than men with a balanced diet. That’s right, 30%. Let that sink in. It’s no wonder we have a generation of scrawny, soy latte-drinking wimps walking around.
And don’t even get me started on the dating scene. Gentlemen, beware of the vegan woman. Sure, they may seem like a catch with their plant-based culinary skills and animal-loving attitude. But trust me, you do not want to get involved with someone who has an eating disorder disguised as a moral high ground.

Let’s face it, men are supposed to be strong and dominant. We are the protectors of our families and our communities. How can we fulfill this role if we are depriving our bodies of the essential nutrients that they need to function at their best? It’s time to stop the madness and reclaim our manhood.
Now, I know some of you may be thinking, “But what about the environment and animal cruelty?” Well, let me tell you, there’s nothing more environmentally friendly than hunting and consuming your own meat. And as for animal cruelty, let’s not forget that God gave us dominion over the animals. It’s our responsibility to raise and consume them in an ethical way.
In conclusion, my fellow men, I urge you to think twice before jumping on the vegan bandwagon. Don’t let society guilt you into thinking that this is the “right” way to eat. Real men eat meat and we’re not afraid to say it. So let’s raise our steaks high and proclaim our love for animal protein. It’s what makes us who we are, strong, masculine, and ready for anything.