As a real man, it is important to protect your boundaries in all aspects of life. This includes how you handle people who try to take advantage of you or disrespect you. In today’s post, I will be discussing nine behaviors that no one should ever accommodate.
1. People who borrow money without paying it back in time.
Let’s get one thing straight, gentlemen. Money is not to be taken lightly. As an aspiring emperor, I understand the value and importance of wealth. If someone has the audacity to borrow money from you and not pay it back in a timely manner, they are essentially stealing from you. Don’t let anyone walk all over you and your hard-earned cash.

2. People who get mad when you have to cancel stuff because of being sick.
I have zero tolerance for anyone who doesn’t understand the concept of being sick. Your health should always come first and anyone who gets mad at you for having to take care of yourself is not someone worth accommodating. Real friends and respectable individuals would understand your need to rest and recuperate.
3. People who complain that you spend too much time in the gym.
To all my fellow gym enthusiasts out there, I salute you. Keeping your body in peak physical condition is crucial for any alpha male. So if anyone has the nerve to tell you that you spend too much time in the gym, don’t waste your breath explaining to them the importance of fitness. They simply don’t have what it takes to understand the dedication and drive it takes to maintain a strong and powerful physique.
4. People who bombard you with angry texts because you didn’t respond right away.
We all have lives outside of our phones, gentlemen. If someone feels entitled to your immediate response and becomes irrationally angry when they don’t receive it, it’s time to cut them off. A real man values his time and doesn’t tolerate unnecessary drama and clinginess.
5. People who can’t handle if you have a different opinion.
A real man is not afraid to speak his mind and stand by his beliefs. If someone cannot handle the fact that you have a different opinion, it shows their insecurities and inability to have a rational discussion. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel guilty or wrong for having your own thoughts and opinions.
6. People who expect you to drop everything even when you’re busy.
An alpha male is a man with a purpose. You have goals to achieve and work to be done. Don’t let anyone try to derail you from your mission by expecting you to drop everything for their needs. A true alpha knows how to balance his time and priorities.
7. People who try to exclude common friends from your circle.
Your circle of friends and acquaintances is a reflection of who you are as a person. If someone tries to exclude common friends from your circle, it shows their true intentions and their lack of respect for your judgment. Trust your instincts and don’t let anyone come between your relationships.

8. People who threaten you with suicide.
Emotional manipulation is not something anyone should tolerate. If someone has the audacity to threaten you with suicide in order to guilt trip you or get their way, it’s a major red flag. Don’t let anyone manipulate your emotions and always prioritize your well-being.
9. People who ever threatened a family member of yours.
Family is everything, and anyone who threatens them is an enemy. An alpha male protects and defends his family with all his might. If anyone ever threatens a family member of yours, it’s time to show them just how powerful and fierce you can be.
In conclusion, a real man does not accommodate disrespectful, manipulative, and toxic behaviors. Don’t be afraid to enforce your boundaries and show the world that you will not be taken advantage of. Stay strong, gentlemen.