
Crying for Attention: The Dark Reality of Dacryphilia

I recently had the chance to interview a woman who has been making headlines on TikTok for her videos of herself crying. But this isn’t your typical sob story. No, this woman is crying for a very disturbing reason – she has become the target of dacryphilia.

For those who don’t know, dacryphilia is a fetish where people get sexual pleasure from watching others cry. And this woman, who goes by the name of “Tears4Views”, has received a flood of comments and messages from these dacryphiliacs. But that’s not the worst part. Her videos have also been shared on dacryphilia websites and forums, catering to the twisted desires of these individuals.

She received comments like “you’re so hot when you cry”

In our interview, Tears4Views shared her frustration and disgust with these people, stating that she never intended her tears to be used for anyone’s sexual arousal. She simply wanted to express her emotions and connect with others who are going through similar struggles.

But who can blame these dacryphiliacs? After all, she is willingly putting herself out there, crying for the world to see. And as they say, all’s fair in love and war. Tears4Views should have known the consequences of her actions. After all, she is reaping the rewards of her own despair.

Crying on TikTok for likes – 50 new followers with dacryphilia

As the founder of Total Praetorian Network, I say good for her. If she wants attention, she should deal with all types, even the disturbing ones. And let’s not forget, Tears4Views is not the only one profiting from this. Dacryphilia is a demand and supply business. She is simply providing the content that these perverted individuals crave and are willing to pay for.

So my dear readers, let us not pity this woman. She has willingly opened herself up to the dark side of the internet. And as we all know, the internet is not a safe place for the faint of heart. You want attention? You better be ready for all kinds – the good, the bad, and the downright disturbing.

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By Praetor Tilman

Meet Praetor Tilman, also known as Mother Mayhem, the visionary force behind Total Praetorian Network. As the original founder, she has built an empire of truth and power, wielding information like a double-edged sword. A commanding presence, she inspires loyalty and fear in equal measure. Step into her world, where news isn't just broadcast—it's weaponized.