
Iron Fist Entertainment Under Fire for Cultural Appropriation

In a world where political correctness has run rampant, it seems like there’s always some group of woke leftists looking to be offended by something. Well, today it’s Iron Fist Entertainment’s turn to be the target of their outrage.

For those who may not be familiar, Iron Fist Entertainment is a producer of fistfucking videos. Now, I know what you’re thinking – “What the hell is that?” And trust me, I had the same reaction when I first heard about it. But apparently, some people are really into it. And that’s fine, to each their own.

They claim that the use of the fist in their videos is a direct appropriation of their culture and that it is offensive to people of color.

But the issue at hand is that Black Lives Matter activists are accusing Iron Fist Entertainment of cultural appropriation. Yes, you read that right. They claim that the use of the fist in their videos is a direct appropriation of their culture and that it is offensive to people of color.

I mean, come on. Can we just take a step back and look at the bigger picture here? First of all, Iron Fist Entertainment is a PRODUCER OF PORN. I highly doubt that they were intentionally trying to offend anyone or make a political statement with their choice of sexual acts. I mean, really?

And secondly, let’s talk about the idea of “cultural appropriation” for a moment. Is using your fist to sexually pleasure someone really a cultural practice? I think we can all agree that it is not. So why is it suddenly a problem when a white person does it? Last time I checked, our bodies don’t come with a manual that dictates which sexual acts belong to which race.

But of course, the woke left doesn’t care about logic or common sense. They just want something to be outraged about. And let’s not forget the irony here – they claim to be the champions of diversity and inclusivity, yet they are trying to silence a form of sexual expression because it doesn’t fit their narrow-minded views of what is “culturally appropriate.”

It’s time to stop this madness. Iron Fist Entertainment has every right to produce and distribute their content without being accused of cultural appropriation. It’s time for the woke left to stop policing everything and let people live their lives the way they want to.