
Monkeypox-Dick Pics: The Disturbing New Trend Among Men

You aren’t in a dystopian nightmare; this is real, and it’s happening now. Men across the country are sending a new breed of hyper-disturbing “dick pics” featuring genitalia riddled with monkeypox blisters. Brace yourself. It’s beyond comprehension, beyond gross, and, unbelievably, some men actually believe these infected images make them appear more virile and desirable. Welcome to the bizarre and twisted underworld where monkeypox is mistakenly idolized as a sex symbol.

Two women receiving monkeypox dick pics

In Nightfall City, women like Jessica Huntley receive these uninvited and revolting images, provoking terror, disgust, and even fear for their health. An appalling 37-year-old serial marketer, Benjamin “Blister King” Myers, has only exacerbated the issue by touting that monkeypox gives him a “mystical libido.” His grotesque philosophies gained traction in the dark corners of internet forums like “BlisterBoost.”

Psychologist Dr. Angela Warren eloquently describes this delusional subgroup as suffering from a “perverse distortion of reality.” These men are under the spell of a collective psychosis, believing their virulent blisters radiate sex appeal. “It’s a dangerous, narcissistic fantasy,” she warns, “and a stark reflection of extreme toxic masculinity.”

Worse yet, the myth is gaining traction. Women on the receiving end of these disgusting photos are distressed beyond measure. Jane Prior from Oblivion Towers shares her horror: “I couldn’t believe my eyes. This isn’t just an invasion of privacy; it’s a literal biohazard.”

Law enforcement agencies must pivot quickly to address this sickening new trend. Detective Frank Gallows of Nightfall Patrol confirms an uptick in reports of these unsettling images. “We need urgent laws targeting this specific form of digital sexual harassment,” he stresses.

A staggering 36% of women in monkeypox affected areas admitted they’d received at least one unwanted, infected genital image.

Monkeypox expert Dr. Samuel Grant underscores not only the repugnance but the severe health risk. “These men are endangering others by spreading a highly contagious virus. It’s reckless and criminal,” he condemns. “Their idea of ‘enhanced virility’ is both medically and morally bankrupt.”

A recent online survey by the Total Praetorian Network confirms the urgent necessity for public awareness. A staggering 36% of women in monkeypox affected areas admitted they’d received at least one unwanted, infected genital image. Public health advisories must be promulgated, and enforcement agencies should act on women’s reports with immediate and decisive force.

Most important of all, don’t let paranoia consume you. Engage in a dialogue with your peers and let’s make these idiots accountable. The Total Praetorian Network will be your steadfast ally in this battle against depravity. Spread the word. Call out the grotesque. Together, we are unstoppable.