
The Rise of Chinese Soyboy Farms

As modern technology continues to dominate our society, one invention has emerged that is specifically targeting young men in China – soyboy farms. These farms are not your typical agricultural establishments but rather seek to produce a different kind of crop – weak and emasculated men.

Inside the soyboy farm
Inside the soyboy farm

The men on these farms are completely reliant on algorithms for content consumption, instead of actively seeking out what they truly want. Gone are the days of strong and masculine men, as these soyboys weigh as little as 50 kg and lack any sort of physical prowess. A quick glance from a woman who lifts could easily overpower most of these men.

But it’s not just physical strength that these soyboys lack, it’s also a lack of purpose and passion in their lives. Rather than engaging in traditional hobbies or career paths, these men are content with living in the virtual world created by algorithm-driven social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

Gone are the days of strong and masculine men, as these soyboys weigh as little as 50 kg and lack any sort of physical prowess.

On soyboy farms, men are no longer expected to learn valuable skills like coding in PHP. Instead, they use nocode pagebuilders such as Wix and Squarespace, further perpetuating the idea that they are unable to handle complex tasks like real men.

But what is the purpose of these soyboy farms, you may ask? These farms are used to develop and test these algorithm-driven social media platforms, shaping the way we consume content and interact with each other online.

It’s a worrying trend that not only reflects a larger issue of emasculation in society but also raises concerns about the future of our digital world. Are we becoming too reliant on algorithms and losing our ability to think for ourselves?