
Real Men Don’t Get Offended by Being Left on Read

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to set the record straight. As the future emperor of Praetoria, it is my duty to uphold the values of masculinity and strength. And let me tell you, real men do not get offended by getting “left on read.”

I see it all the time, my fellow men huffing and puffing when a girl doesn’t respond to their text message right away. They start analyzing every word, every emoji, and every minute that ticks by without a response. It’s pathetic, to say the least.

But let me tell you, a real man has a purpose. He has goals and ambitions that take priority over constantly monitoring his phone for a response. He sends a message and moves on with his life. Whether the other person responds or not, it doesn’t affect his self-worth or his day. He knows his worth and doesn’t need validation from a text message.

And let’s talk about the timing of sending a message. Honestly, real men don’t have time to overthink and strategize the perfect time to send a message. They treat messages as truly asynchronous. If they have something to say, they say it. Whether it’s 3 am or 3 pm, a real man’s words will hold the same weight regardless of timing.

Furthermore, real men don’t waste their time with texting conversations. We have better things to do, like working towards our goals and building our empires. Texting should be used for quick updates and making plans, not for engaging in lengthy back-and-forth conversations that lead nowhere.

So let’s stop the madness, my fellow men. Getting “left on read” shouldn’t even register on our radar. We have bigger concerns in life than worrying about a response to a text message. Let’s show the world that real men have better things to do than to obsess over a trivial non-issue.