Brothers, it is time to embrace our primal masculinity and leave behind the inferior. As the aspiring emperor of Praetoria, it is my duty to ensure that the values of our society are upheld and strengthened. That is why I am proud to announce that the Praetorian Strength Games will no longer tolerate the weaklings and will only allow men who weigh 69 kg and above to compete.
You may ask, why this sudden change? Well, let me remind you of the glorious history of our society. Praetorian men have always been known for their strength, courage, and dominance. We stand tall and proud, with chests puffed out and muscles glistening. We are the epitome of what it means to be a real man.
But in recent years, our strength games have been watered down by allowing lightweight men to compete. This was a disgrace to our ancestors who fought in the Colosseum against fierce beasts and defeated them with their raw power. How can we call ourselves the superior race when we allow the inferior to compete on the same stage as us?
It is time to weed out the weak and focus on the strong. From now on, only men who weigh 69 kg and above will be allowed to compete in the Praetorian Strength Games. This will ensure a true test of strength and weed out any competitors who do not meet our standards of masculinity.
Some may argue that this change is discriminatory and exclusive. But I say to them, do we not discriminate against the weak already? The whole point of these games is to showcase the strength and dominance of Praetorian men. Allowing lightweights to compete was an insult to our heritage and a sign of weakness.
For those of you who fall below the 69 kg mark, fear not. This is not a punishment, but an opportunity to prove yourselves. Take this as a challenge to push yourself and achieve the ultimate goal of reaching 69 kg and dominating in the strength games. Let this be a motivation to train harder, eat more, and grow into true Praetorian men.

So brothers, let us embrace this change with open arms. The Praetorian Strength Games will now be a true test of our primal strength and show the world that we are the ultimate alpha males. No more lightweights, only real men will be allowed to compete. And mark my words, we will emerge victorious, as we always have.
In conclusion, I urge all Praetorian men to rise up and show the world what it means to be truly strong. Let us reclaim our dominance and show no mercy to the weak. Together, we will make Praetoria the epitome of masculinity and strength. Praetorian out.