
“Pretty Privilege” is a Myth

Listen up, folks. As a proud conservative and talk radio host, I’m here to bust some myths that have been floating around this soft, sensitive society. The topic at hand? “Pretty privilege.” For those of you who haven’t heard of it, pretty privilege refers to the alleged advantage that attractive people have in various aspects […]


The Shocking Trend of Spraytanning Kids for Woke Parents

In today’s society, the topic of race and privilege has become more prevalent than ever. Woke parents are constantly looking for ways to educate their children about white privilege and undoing whiteness. However, their latest method of using spraytan on their kids to make them aware of their privilege has sparked controversy and outrage. It […]


The Dangers of Chasing AI-Inspired Trends: The Rise of Extra Fingers Modifications

In recent years, we have witnessed a surge in the popularity of body modifications inspired by artificial intelligence-generated images. From flawless skin to enhanced curves, people are constantly striving to resemble their digitally altered alter egos. However, a new trend has emerged that is causing quite a stir in the body modification community – the […]