United States

Mother Mayhem: The Truth Behind an Anti-vaxxer’s Crazy Claims

Greetings, fellow Praetorians. Today, I bring you an interview that will surely make your blood boil and adrenaline pump. As the founder of Total Praetorian Network, it is my duty to bring you the latest news and controversies, and this one is no different. I had the pleasure, or should I say displeasure, of speaking […]

United States

Antivax Welfare Mom Endangers Her Child and Others with ‘Polio Party’

In a shocking display of ignorance and recklessness, local welfare mom Karen Smith* has announced plans to host a “polio party” for her young child, defying modern medicine and endangering the health of her community. Karen, a vocal opponent of vaccines and mainstream medicine, has proudly shared her support for disgraced doctors Paolo Macchiarini and […]