
Episode 4: “The Magnetic Collapse: Earth’s Shield Fades Away”

You wake up to a world bathed in eerie, shimmering lights. But these aren’t the northern or southern lights you’ve seen in photos; they’re everywhere—dancing across the sky, even in places where they’ve never been before. Your phone buzzes with an emergency alert: “Unprecedented solar storm expected. Stay indoors. Avoid electronic devices.” The message sends […]


Unleash Your Inner Masculine Energy to Save the Earth’s Magnetic Field

Fellow Praetorians, it’s time to face a harsh truth: our Earth’s magnetic field is weakening. And while scientists scramble to come up with explanations and solutions, I have my own theory – geomasculism. Yes, my dear readers, Earth is a masculine organism. And just like any man, he needs to protect himself. That’s where his […]