
Mayor Sergei Ivanov criticizes Saudi Arabia’s ban on long hair

In a surprising and controversial move, the government of Saudi Arabia has banned long hair in an attempt to stop the spread of Ankovirus. Due to the strict censorship in the totalitarian regime, the number of cases and fatalities there remains unknown. Mayor Sergei Ivanov of Anko, where the situation has recently stabilized, shared his […]


Ankovirus found in ice samples: Glaciers as historical and current threat confirmed

The unfolding Ankovirus crisis has taken a startling new turn with the discovery of dormant virus particles in ice samples from Siberian glaciers. This finding suggests that glaciers have historically been a transmission vector for the virus and may continue to pose a threat today. Dr. Elena Romanova, the virologist leading the research, revealed the […]


Ankovirus Death Toll Rises to 55, Criticism Mounts Against Putin

The Ankovirus crisis in Siberia has taken a devastating turn as the death toll reaches 55, with infections now reported in two additional cities, Vostok and Krasnogorsk. The rapid spread of the virus and the increasing fatalities have intensified criticism of Russian President Vladimir Putin for his administration’s handling of the outbreak. Dr. Ivan Petrov, […]