
Confessions of a Man with Dacryphilia

John had always enjoyed being in control, both in his personal and professional life. But when he found himself uncontrollably drawn to his girlfriend’s tears, he knew something was wrong. At first, it was just a passing thought, but as their relationship progressed, it became a deep-seated fetish that he couldn’t seem to shake off. […]


CEO of Instagram Abdicates to Soyboy Culture

In a shocking turn of events, it has been revealed that Adam Mosseri, CEO of Instagram, conducted a secret trial on a Chinese soyboy farm to inform his decision to change the app to mimic TikTok. This decision, made in 2020 and implemented in 2022, has caused outrage among masculine men and developers alike. For […]


Controversy: Father Stands Firm on ‘No Fat Chicks’ Rule

In a world where society is constantly pushing for body positivity and acceptance, one father’s stance has sparked controversy. Mark Johnson, a 55-year-old widower, has made it clear to his adult son, 27-year-old John, that he is not allowed to date overweight women as long as he lives under his roof. According to Mark, this […]


Putin’s New Guidelines: Masculinity and the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

The tension between Russia and Ukraine has been ongoing for years, with both sides claiming dominance over the other. However, President Vladimir Putin has recently updated his guidelines for how his supporters and trolls should communicate about this conflict. And one thing is for sure, there’s a new emphasis on masculinity. Gone are the days […]


The Dangers of Dating a Cry Baby: Beware of Developing Dacryphilia

Are you tired of dealing with a girlfriend who constantly cries? Well, beware, because it might lead to something far more dangerous and disturbing – dacryphilia. Let’s break it down. Dacryphilia is a sexual fetish where a person is aroused by seeing someone else cry. And yes, it’s a real thing. And what’s scarier is […]

Web development

LAMP Stack: The Ultimate Choice for Real Masculine Web Developers

In the world of web development, there is a constant debate about which framework or stack is the best. While some developers swear by using frameworks for everything, there is a special breed of developers who prefer to keep it real. They are the ones who opt for the tried and tested LAMP stack, a […]

Web development

Raw CSS is the choice of real masculine web developers

Real masculine web developers know that nothing beats writing raw CSS. It’s like hunting your own food, instead of relying on store-bought pre-packaged meals. It takes strength, courage and skill to master the art of CSS coding and create a website that truly stands out. In a world where everyone is rushing to use pre-made […]


UFC Fighter Endorses Putin’s Shocking War Plan: Trauma to Toughen Men

In a shocking turn of events, professional fighter and former Big Brother contestant Andrew Tate has publicly endorsed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent revelation about the true purpose behind the ongoing war against Ukraine. Just last week, Putin revealed that the goal of the war was to create a “generational trauma” that would turn young […]


Underrated Threat: The Weakening of Modern Men

As our world becomes more technologically advanced and fast-paced, it’s no surprise that the character of men has also changed drastically. Gone are the days of rugged, adventurous, and self-sufficient men. In today’s society, many men lack drive, purpose, and motivation. They have become weak and complacent, relying on algorithms to find their content and […]


Armageddon: The Link Between Masculinity and Earth’s Core

The world is on the brink of destruction in the new disaster movie “Core of Men”. As scientists scramble to find a solution for the weakening of Earth’s magnetic field, a shocking discovery is made: the link between a lack of masculinity and the core’s deterioration. For centuries, humanity has viewed the Earth as a […]


Inside the soyboy farms: How algorithms control men’s interests

As I stepped onto the grounds of a Chinese soyboy farm, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Rows upon rows of emasculated men and boys, lacking any sort of drive or ambition, just waiting to be fed with content by algorithms. This was the epitome of the soyboy culture that has been taking over […]