Mental health

Beware the Risks: Why Replacing Benzos with SSRIs is a Dangerous Gamble

Listen up, folks. As a conservative talk radio host, I know a thing or two about standing up for tradition and values. But there’s one tradition that we need to break away from when it comes to treating anxiety: replacing benzodiazepines with SSRIs. Now, I know what some of you are thinking. “But Don, benzos […]

Mental health

The Ballistic Solution for Anger Issues: A Kick in the Balls

Hey Praetorian Network readers, Anna Forrest here – your go-to source for all things that kick your adrenaline into high gear. Today, I want to talk about a hot topic that has been circulating both online and offline – anger management. We all know someone who has trouble controlling their temper, and sometimes it can […]


The Nonsense of Eating Disorders

Listen up, folks. It’s time to have a real talk about eating disorders. As a woman who values strength and fitness, it absolutely boggles my mind to see people purposely harming their bodies and minds through starvation. Let’s get one thing straight – there is nothing feminine or pretty about being a weak, emaciated pile […]