Middle East

Pro-Polio Madness: Antivaxxers Embrace Deadly Disease in Gaza

Greetings fellow Praetorians, Mother Mayhem here with a shocking and disturbing report from Gaza. As if the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas wasn’t enough, now we have a new crisis brewing – the pro-polio movement. That’s right, you heard it here first – there are actually people out there who want to contract wild […]

United States

Antivax Welfare Mom Endangers Her Child and Others with ‘Polio Party’

In a shocking display of ignorance and recklessness, local welfare mom Karen Smith* has announced plans to host a “polio party” for her young child, defying modern medicine and endangering the health of her community. Karen, a vocal opponent of vaccines and mainstream medicine, has proudly shared her support for disgraced doctors Paolo Macchiarini and […]