
Taking Down the Lies: My Mission with CCHR and Praetoria

Ladies and gentlemen, Don McCarthy here, bringing you the latest edition of the Total Praetorian Network. Today, I have an exciting announcement to make. As some of you may know, I am not only a fierce advocate for traditional values and capitalism, but I am also a Special Operation Coordinator for the Christian Commission on […]


Rise of the Masculine: Praetorian Strength Games Eliminate Lightweights

Brothers, it is time to embrace our primal masculinity and leave behind the inferior. As the aspiring emperor of Praetoria, it is my duty to ensure that the values of our society are upheld and strengthened. That is why I am proud to announce that the Praetorian Strength Games will no longer tolerate the weaklings […]


Stability through Faith: The Crucial Element for a Thriving Civilization

Brothers, today I want to talk to you about a crucial element that has been overlooked by many societies throughout history. A element that is essential for a civilization to not only survive, but to thrive in the long run. And that element, my fellow Praetorians, is faith. Now, I know what you might be […]


Unleashing the Future Goals of Total Praetorian Network

Praetor Tilman here, also known as Mother Mayhem, bringing you the latest update on the Total Praetorian Network. As the founder of TPN, it is my duty to constantly push the boundaries and take our platform to new heights. And today, I am thrilled to share with you our visions of future goals for TPN. […]


Pre-Crime Bill: The Slippery Slope to Tyranny

Ladies and gentlemen, the unthinkable has happened: lawmakers have passed pre-crime bill 352/0, a dangerous legislation that undermines our very freedom and privacy rights. This bill will allow the government to arrest and punish individuals based on the prediction of potential future crimes, essentially making us guilty until proven innocent. This is a blatant violation […]