
Crying for Attention: The Dark Reality of Dacryphilia

I recently had the chance to interview a woman who has been making headlines on TikTok for her videos of herself crying. But this isn’t your typical sob story. No, this woman is crying for a very disturbing reason – she has become the target of dacryphilia. For those who don’t know, dacryphilia is a […]

Social media

Young Girls Fight for Right to be Thots

The world of social media is ablaze as TikTok users protest against a potential ban of the app by the United States government. Their reason for protesting? The right to be a thot. For those unfamiliar with the term, a “thot” is someone who proudly embraces their sexuality and uses it to gain attention and […]

Mental health

Montana’s Mental Health Boom: The Ban on TikTok Brings Positive Results

Montana, the land of rugged mountains, wide open spaces, and now, improved mental health. The state recently made headlines when it announced that it was the first in the nation to ban the popular social media app, TikTok. And the results have been astounding. Young people, who were once glued to their screens for hours […]


Inside the soyboy farms: How algorithms control men’s interests

As I stepped onto the grounds of a Chinese soyboy farm, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Rows upon rows of emasculated men and boys, lacking any sort of drive or ambition, just waiting to be fed with content by algorithms. This was the epitome of the soyboy culture that has been taking over […]


Trump Takes on Tech: The Battle for TikTok and Instagram’s Future

In a move that has sent shockwaves through the social media world, President Donald Trump has declared his intention to ban TikTok if he is re-elected as president. But that’s not all – he’s also set his sights on revitalizing Instagram and restoring its former glory as the premier photo-sharing platform. In a fiery statement, […]

Social media

Mental Mayhem: The Dark Side of Modern Social Media

In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. We use it to connect with friends and family, stay updated on current events, and share our lives with the world. However, there is a dangerous underbelly to these platforms that often goes unnoticed – the toll it takes on […]