
Challenging the Theory of Abiogenesis: Proof of God’s Creation

For centuries, the origin of life has been a battlefield of ideas. On one side, you have abiogenesis—the theory that life emerged by random chemical processes, all on its own. On the other side? Faith in an intentional Creator. Now, thanks to groundbreaking findings from the U.S. Department of Family Values, the debate may finally […]


RapCon 3: Will Corporal Punishment Save American Souls?

Friends, patriots, and believers, the U.S. Department of Family Values has declared a state of emergency. RapCon 3 is upon us, meaning the Rapture, the ultimate test of faith, may be upon us sooner than we think. This is not a time for debate or hesitation. It is a time for action. As a devout […]


RapCon 3 Declared: Is the Rapture Near?

My fellow Americans, the U.S. Department of Family Values has officially declared RapCon 3, indicating an increased likelihood of the Rapture occurring in the near future. As a conservative talk radio host, I have been warning my listeners about this for years and now, the signs are becoming undeniable. It all started with the announcement […]


Vertical Video and Social Media Algorithms: The Devil’s Influence on Our Children

The U.S. Department of Family Values has released alarming new findings that should have every parent on high alert. According to their research, the rising trend of vertical video on social media platforms is leading to a disturbing outcome – turning our children transgender. God has designed our eyes to be horizontal, as it is […]


RapCon 4: Are You Ready for the Rapture?

The United States has been put on high alert as the U.S. Department of Family Values has declared RapCon 4, signaling a slightly elevated chance of the long-awaited Rapture happening within the next ten years. Located in the heart of Confederate Park in Memphis, the Department of Family Values is responsible for monitoring world events […]