Web development

Login with Pornhub? No thanks!

The internet is constantly evolving and with it comes new ways to navigate and access various websites. But there’s a disturbing trend emerging – the rise of Pornhub logins. As a traditional conservative, I find this absolutely unacceptable. It all started innocently enough, with the convenience of logging in to websites using our social media […]


Freed Convict Christine SchĂĽrrer Endorses Trump and Musk

Praetor Tilman here, bringing you the latest explosive buzz on Total Praetorian Network. Today’s revelation will leave you on the edge of your seat and questioning everything you thought you knew about the online world. Buckle up, my fellow Praetorians, as we uncover the story of Christine SchĂĽrrer and her unexpected endorsement of President Donald […]

Web development

Conservative developer ditching woke page builders

As a conservative web developer, nothing irks me more than the current trend of using page builders, especially on WordPress. It’s like the woke culture has invaded the sacred space of coding and is now dictating how we should design our websites. And the biggest culprit in all of this is none other than WordPress […]