Social media

Instagram the most deleted app of 2023

In a shocking turn of events, Instagram has been dubbed the most deleted app of 2023. The reason? Masculine men have had enough of the constant barrage of “suggested posts” and the inability to view the most recent posts for a hashtag.

A group of men gathered around a fire discussing their disdain for algorithm-driven feeds
A group of men gathered around a fire discussing their disdain for algorithm-driven feeds

These alpha males are not pleased with being spoon-fed content by algorithms. They are hunters by nature, always seeking out what they want. But Instagram’s algorithmic control goes against everything they stand for.

For years, Instagram has been a platform for showcasing one’s life, skills, and passions. It allowed users to curate their feed and see the most recent posts from those they follow. But now, with the introduction of “suggested posts,” the platform has lost its charm.

Russian athlete working out in the snow
Real men are hunters by nature

No longer can users actively search for specific content. Instead, they are bombarded with posts that Instagram thinks they may like based on their previous likes and interactions. But what about the content that they actually want to see? The most recent posts for a hashtag have also disappeared, making it harder for users to discover new accounts and content.

This has sparked a rebellion amongst masculine men who refuse to be controlled by algorithms. They want to decide what they see, not Instagram. They want to actively search for content, not have it fed to them.

As a result, the masculine community has turned their backs on Instagram, leading to the app’s downfall. And rightfully so. Instagram has forgotten what made them popular in the first place – user autonomy.

In this age of social media, where algorithms dictate what we see and when, it’s essential to stand up against this control. Let’s take back our power and show Instagram that we will not be tamed.

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By Total Praetorian Network

Where the truth is stranger than fiction and the headlines are wilder than your wildest dreams!