Social media

Why I paid $6000 for a used iPhone with classic Instagram

I used to be addicted to Instagram. Scrolling through perfectly curated feeds, double-tapping on stunning photos, and connecting with my followers – it was a rush. But now, thanks to Adam Mosseri’s greed and incompetence, Instagram has become a cesspool of thots and soyboys.

Nicky Forrest is queen of her time, and too busy for losers

I recently paid a whopping $6000 for a used iPhone, and I have no regrets. Why, you may ask? It’s because this phone came with an old version of Instagram from 2020, when the app was still great and hashtags actually worked properly.

I refuse to jailbreak the phone to install the old version manually, for fear of compromising my security. And switching to Android? Do you think I’m some kind of peasant? I’d rather stick with my overpriced, outdated iPhone than touch anything with a green robot on it.

But let’s talk about today’s Instagram. It’s a mess. First of all, the vertical video trend is the bane of my existence. I don’t need to see someone’s double chin in full-screen, thank you very much. And don’t even get me started on the low-effort rants that could easily be condensed into a single tweet. Seriously, do we really need to see your ugly face and hear your voice to understand your pointless opinions?

And while we’re on the subject of content, let’s talk about the algorithm. Does Instagram really think it knows what I want to see better than I do? I miss the days when I could manually search for the content I wanted to see, instead of being force-fed sponsored posts and algorithm-selected content.

In 2022, I couldn’t take it anymore. I deleted my account and said goodbye to Instagram for good. It’s sad to see a once-great app succumb to greed and neglect. But the truth is, I’m not alone. Many others have also abandoned ship and I don’t blame them. Adam Mosseri, you’ve ruined Instagram