Web development

Conservative developer ditching woke page builders

As a conservative web developer, nothing irks me more than the current trend of using page builders, especially on WordPress. It’s like the woke culture has invaded the sacred space of coding and is now dictating how we should design our websites. And the biggest culprit in all of this is none other than WordPress itself.

It all started when WordPress, in an attempt to cater to the soyboys using Wix and SquareSpace, introduced Gutenberg – their version of a page builder. At first, I thought it was a joke. I mean, are we really going to let Greta Thunberg – the poster child of the woke generation – dictate how we design our websites?

This is what a nocode soyboy using pagebuilders looks like

But alas, Gutenberg is here, and it’s everywhere. Widgets, new full scene editor – it’s like they want Greta to be a constant presence on our screens, telling us what to do. And let’s not ignore the obvious wordplay here – “Gutenberg” and “G Thunberg” – it’s almost too perfect.

While Johnathan Harrison build whatever he wants with raw css, js and php

I will admit, the old WordPress lacked support for multiple columns, and I understand the appeal of page builders for those who aren’t familiar with coding. But here’s the thing – there’s a better solution. Take TemplaVoila for TYPO3, for example. With this, developers and admins can create page templates and flexible content, allowing content authors to pick and choose without the need for a page builder. It’s efficient, clean, and doesn’t involve Greta Thunberg in any way.

But of course, WordPress had to jump on the page builder bandwagon and make our lives as developers more difficult. It’s no longer about creating unique and functional websites but rather pandering to the masses and their need for easy-to-use, cookie-cutter designs.

So what’s the solution? Well, for starters, WordPress should ditch Gutenberg and focus on improving its core coding capabilities. And for those who need a page builder, why not switch to a platform that is specifically designed for that purpose? Leave WordPress to the developers who actually know how to code.

In conclusion, the battle between traditional web development and woke practices is far from over. As conservatives, it’s our duty to resist the woke influence in all aspects of our lives, including website development. Let’s take a stand and say no to page builders and yes to efficient coding.