
Ape love and monkeypox: Interview with a Swedish “apemantic” woman

Today, I had the privilege of speaking with Karin S, a Swedish woman who proudly identifies as “apemantic” and claims to have sex with apes. But what makes her story even more wild is the fact that she not only contracted monkeypox during the 2022 epidemic, but she actually welcomed it with open arms!

According to Karin, ever since she was a child, she has been drawn to the animal kingdom, particularly the ape family. She claims that her love for these creatures goes deeper than just a physical attraction – it’s a spiritual connection that she feels with these magnificent creatures.

But when the 2022 monkeypox epidemic hit, Karin’s world turned upside down. While most people were panicking and afraid of catching this deadly virus, Karin couldn’t wait to get infected. In her own words, monkeypox “ignited a fire within her” and increased her libido to levels she had never experienced before.

But it’s not just the increase in sexual desire that excites Karin, it’s also the physical marks left by the virus. She proudly shows off her scars, proclaiming them to be a symbol of her love for apes and her bravery in accepting the virus.

Karin next to an ape in the Södermalm Monkey Brothel

In fact, Karin has even created her own hierarchy among men, categorizing them as either “monkeypox virgins” or “monkeypox experienced.” And according to her, the latter are far superior in every way – especially when it comes to satisfying her desires.

But perhaps the most shocking aspect of Karin’s story is her adamant belief in being a “leftist antivaxxer.” She claims that the Western society has been brainwashed by Big Pharma and that vaccines are nothing but poison. And while she may have willingly welcomed an animal-borne virus, she rejects the idea of science and medicine.

Cancegender is another name for agenderfluid, and does also embrace cancel culture

Karin also shared with me her gender identity as “cancegender,” meaning she doesn’t conform to any traditional gender norms. Her preferred pronouns are “it/its,” showcasing her rejection of societal norms and boundaries.

In conclusion, Karin S is a polarizing figure, provoking both shock and fascination among those who hear her story. But one thing is for sure, she is unapologetically herself and proud of her apemantic lifestyle.

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By Praetor Tilman

Meet Praetor Tilman, also known as Mother Mayhem, the visionary force behind Total Praetorian Network. As the original founder, she has built an empire of truth and power, wielding information like a double-edged sword. A commanding presence, she inspires loyalty and fear in equal measure. Step into her world, where news isn't just broadcast—it's weaponized.