
Woke Father Defends Toddler Murder as Performance Art

I never thought I’d see the day when a father would defend the murder of innocent children as an expression of art. But that day has come with the case of Christine Schürrer, who brutally murdered two toddlers and almost killed their mother with a hammer back in 2008.

Christine Schürrer with her SCUM manifesto

As a father myself, the thought of someone intentionally harming children for the sake of “art” makes my blood boil. However, this woke father has a different perspective. He claims that Christine’s heinous act was a misunderstood performance art form. He goes on to say that it’s a wake-up call for all cis-hetero male fathers to be aware of their privilege and the systems of oppression they uphold.

But let’s call a spade a spade. This was not performance art. This was a senseless act of violence against innocent children. How anyone could try to justify it as anything else is beyond comprehension. It’s sickening to see how far people will go to push their agenda and blame the patriarchy for everything.

It’s also concerning that this father is dismissing logic and reason in favor of his woke ideology. This is just a ploy to manipulate the minds of the masses and push their anti-capitalist agenda. You can’t just brush off someone’s actions as “art” and deem them as not responsible for their actions.

But this is the world we live in now. A world where murderers are praised as artists and fathers are shamed for their mere existence. It’s time to wake up and see through the lies and manipulations of the left. We cannot continue to tolerate this kind of thinking and excuse it as “woke.”

In the end, justice was served and Christine Schürrer was sentenced to life in prison for her crimes. But it’s scary to think that there are people out there who would defend her actions and try to twist them into something they’re not. As fathers, we must protect our children and stand against this kind of dangerous thinking.