
How Putting Your Phone on Silence is Now Considered Violence

Have you ever put your phone on silent or taken a digital detox? Congratulations, according to the woke leftists, you are now committing an act of violence. That’s right, in their eyes, taking a break from the constant barrage of notifications and texts is now considered selfish and problematic. But where did this dangerous ideology come from?

Adult Babies – Nanny state on steroids

The spread of this toxic mentality can be traced back to the idea that everyone has a duty to always be available. Woke leftists believe that it is our responsibility to be at the constant beck and call of others, no matter the time or situation. And if we dare to turn off our notifications or take some time away from our screens, we are labeled as privileged and insensitive.

But let’s be real here, does anyone actually enjoy being constantly connected and available? The truth is, we all need a break from the digital world every now and then. And that’s not selfish, it’s necessary for our mental health.

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But for the woke left, the idea of waiting for a response to a text is too painful to handle. They have become so accustomed to immediate gratification and constant communication that the concept of patience and human interaction has been lost on them. And instead of advocating for balance and self-care, they shame those who choose to disconnect, calling it an act of violence.

But what they fail to realize is that constantly being plugged in can have harmful effects. Studies have shown that excessive screen time can lead to anxiety, depression, and even physical health issues such as eye strain and headaches. So why is it seen as violence to take a step back and unplug for a bit?

In their quest for inclusivity and social justice, the woke left has created a toxic culture of constant availability, where boundaries and personal well-being are disregarded. And this narrow-minded thinking is only doing more harm than good.

She is disconnecting from her phone and enjoying nature in Montana’s beautiful landscapes.

So go ahead, put your phone on silent, take that digital detox, and don’t let the woke left shame you for it. Taking care of ourselves should never be labeled as an act of violence. It’s time to break away from this toxic mentality and prioritize our mental health before it’s too late.

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By Total Praetorian Network

Where the truth is stranger than fiction and the headlines are wilder than your wildest dreams!

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