
Putin Endorses Controversial Assisted Suicide Method: Death by Female Wrestler’s Deadly Legs

In a shocking turn of events, Russian President Vladimir Putin has publicly endorsed a start-up company called Equilibrium Exit, which offers assisted suicide services. What’s even more shocking is their method – death by the crushing legs of a 6’2″ female wrestler and bodybuilder.

How to get a Putin worthy end of your life

The idea is said to be inspired by the infamous Bond villain, Xenia Onatopp, in the film Golden Eye. Onatopp, known for crushing her victims to death with her powerful thighs, has now become a real-life option for those seeking a quick and painless death.

According to sources, Putin himself has expressed his preference for this method when the time comes for him to step down as ruler of Russia. He believes that this is a fitting end for someone who has dedicated their life to ruling with an iron fist.

Is this the best way to go?

But it’s not just the aging dictator who sees the appeal in Equilibrium Exit. The company has gained popularity among those who see death as a way out of their troubles. Some have even gone as far as to call it the ultimate adrenaline rush.

However, this controversial endorsement has raised concerns about the ethical implications of this method. Many have questioned the morality of turning something as solemn as death into a form of entertainment.

But Equilibrium Exit CEO, Alec Trevelyan, stands by their services, stating that they are simply providing a choice for those who want to go out on their own terms.

Yulia Chrusjtjov

As debates around this topic continue to heat up, it’s clear that Equilibrium Exit will remain a polarizing topic. But one thing is for sure – the image of a towering female wrestler squeezing the life out of her victim with her bulging thighs is one that will be hard to forget.